Monday 25 September 2017



What is green cardamom used for?

Both forms of cardamom are used as flavorings and cooking spices in both food and drink, and as a medicine. E. cardamomum (green cardamom) is used as a spice, a masticatory, and in medicine; it is also smoked.

What is the difference between black and green cardamom?

Green and Black cardamom are from the same plant family. Green cardamom is harvested before it reaches maturity and the pods are often used whole. Black cardamom is intensely dried and the seeds are extracted. Green cardamom is used to flavor sweet dishes and black cardamom is used for a more pungent flavor.

How would you describe cardamom?

Cardamom is a spice made from the seed pods of various plants in the ginger family. Cardamom pods are spindle-shaped and have a triangular cross-section. The pods contain a number of seeds, but the entire cardamom pod can be used whole or ground.

Can you substitute black cardamom for green cardamom?

Substitute for Black cardamom
You can use green cardamom as a substitute for black but it lacks the smoky, hot flavor. Don't use black cardamom as a replacement for green cardamom. Depending on the recipe it may be best just to leave black cardamom out.

What does green cardamom taste like?

The taste commonly associated with cardamom is that of the green seed pods. Green cardamom is herbal with notes of pine, yet something about it whispers sweet. With a smoked mint, almost menthol-like flavor, black cardamom is much more severe in taste than its fragrant green counterpart.

What are the side effects of cardamom?

There are Insufficient evidence for side effect of cardamom.

Is Green Cardamom the same as cardamom?

Green is the most common of these colors, and the white variant is just a bleached version of the common Cardamom pod. The black cardamom, while related to the green cardamom, does not grow from the same plant. Cardamom pods have 8 to 16 seeds that are ground and used as seasonings.

Is green cardamom hot or cold?

Cardamom helps by increasing circulation of blood within your lungs which helps relieve breathing problems like asthma, cold and cough. In Ayurveda elaichi is known as a warm spice, which heats up the body internally, helping in the expulsion of phlegm and relieving chest congestion.

What is the best cardamom?

Best Sellers in Cardamom Seed
#1. Spicy World Green Cardamom Pods, 3.5 Ounce.
#2. Spicy World Ground Cardamom Powder 3.5oz (Cardamon) .
#3. Spicy World Green Cardamom Pods 7 Ounce Bag. .
#4. Rani Green Cardamom Pods Spice (Hari Elachi) 3.5oz (100g) ~ Natural.
#5. Swad Cardamom Indian Grocery Spice, Pods Green, 3.5 Ounce.

Why cardamom is so expensive?

Fact: Green Cardamom is one of the most expensive spices by weight in the world. Only a few others, such as Saffron and Vanilla, are more expensive. The main reason this spice is so expensive is because it needs to be harvested by hand. It is a very labor-intensive handpicking process.

How much cardamom should I eat a day?

Most supplements recommend 500 mg of cardamom powder or extract once or twice a day.

What do I do with cardamom?

Cardamom was used as a breath freshener by the ancient Egyptians and a digestive aid in traditional Indian medicine, but most importantly, it's delicious — warm and sweet in a way that pairs well with many savory dishes (think poultry, curries and all kinds of rice dishes) and is particularly fantastic as we head into the crisp days of fall. If you're using the whole pods, gently toast them in a dry pan over medium heat until they start smelling aromatic. 

 Is ground cardamom green or black?

Cardamom pods come in three colors: black, green and white. It turns out that each color has a distinct personality, flavor-wise. Green cardamom is the one you'll generally see in grocery stores and many spice shops and it turns out that white cardamom is simply a bleached version of that.

Can I substitute garam masala for cardamom?

For example, some experts recommend using allspice or peppercorns. As with cinnamon and nutmeg, you would have the recipe's cardamom amount for the replacement. If the recipe calls for a teaspoon of cardamom, use a teaspoon of allspice instead. Ginger can also be used as can coriander.

What does cardamom smell like?

Cardamom seeds (ground) have a subtle scent and flavour mild spicy, slightly nutty, aromatic and sweet, a bit woody, vague hint of fennel or anise. The Cardamom oil has a bigger scent: spicy, incense/resinous, eucalyptus.

Can cardamom pods be eaten?

Cardamom spice is the small black seeds in tiny green pods, or black in case of black cardamom. You can use the whole pods (remove them before serving the dish) or powder the seeds and add that. The pods can be split open to expose the aromatic seeds. 2- Cardamom pods (green cover) need not be discarded.

Does cardamom taste like licorice?

Taste profile: Has a licorice-like flavor (different from star anise, which is generally used in Chinese dishes). Tastes profile: Its pungent flavor is a gentle blend of licorice and clove. Cardamom is great in Dishes featuring tomatoes, onions, garlic, olives, pasta sauces, and as a flavor for oils.

Is cardamom sweet or spicy?

Black cardamom is dried over an open fire which provides it a smoky flavor and aroma. When used whole in dishes, black cardamom seeds provide a mysterious, almost bacon flavor. Black cardamom is popular in Indian dishes and is more of a warm spice, while green cardamom is a cool spice.

How do you eat a green cardamom?

You can chew on this pod but if you find the flavour to be too strong, then as easy way to use cardamom is to scoop out these seeds and crush them gently. This can then be added to your daily cup of tea, coffee, milk or simply has with a glass of warm water and honey.

Can you eat raw cardamom?

Of course, the green cardamom pods are often eaten whole in India. They are often used as a mouth freshener particularly after the consumption of raw onions in salads or even raw garlic (quite rarely though) in some dishes. It had a pleasantly sweet but slightly strong taste. Most people like it.

Can cardamom help weight loss?

According to the book, Healing Foods by DK Publishing, "An effective digestive stimulant and diuretic, cardamom boosts metabolism and helps the body burn fat more effectively." Managing conditions like indigestion, constipation, and water retention, elaichi makes for an important weight loss spice.

Where does the best cardamom come from?

Cardamom is one of the world's very ancient spices. It is native to the East originating in the forests of the western ghats in southern India, where it grows wild. Today it also grows in Sri Lanka, Guatemala, Indo China and Tanzania.

Does cardamom have caffeine?

Cardamom neutralizes the stimulating effects of caffeine, allowing the chai [Tea] to boost the digestive process without boosting the nervous system. Throughout the Middle East, coffee is brewed with cardamom.  Cardamom reduces the acid in coffee, while neutralizing the effects of caffeine.

What are the different types of cardamom?

Varieties of Cardamom
There are 2 main types of cardamom: black cardamom and green cardamom, and there is also white cardamom which is a bleached version of green cardamom.

Is Cardamom good for skin?

The skin benefits of cardamom can be attributed to its antibacterial and antioxidant properties. The spice helps treat skin allergies and improves skin complexion. It can also be used as a tool to cleanse the skin.

Is Cardamom a laxative?

Cardamom oil is especially known to help alleviate digestive system problems, working as a laxative, colic, stomachic, and diuretic.

Is Cardamom acidic or alkaline?

Cardamom is also alkaline, making it a natural antidote to acid. As a member of the ginger family, cardamom has been used to make heavy and acidic foods easier to digest for more than 5,000 years.

How do you cook with cardamom?

Ground cardamom seeds can also be used to flavour other types of foods such as soups, pâtés, stews, purées and rice dishes or if you prefer to try cardamom in a sweet dish, try adding some seeds to your homemade rice pudding, ice cream, custard or sprinkle them over a fresh fruit salad.

Does ground cardamom include the pod?

Yes it includes pod in some cases. Tasters agreed that home-ground cardamom (both whole pod and seeds only) boasted much stronger flavor than did preground. They also found that there was very little difference in flavor whether the spice was ground from the seeds alone or with the husks included.

Are cardamom seeds and pods the same thing?

Can cardamom seeds be used as a substitute for the pods or vice versa? Both seeds and whole pods can be used in the same dishes; however, the methods of preparation will be different. When using pods, split or crush them to expose the seeds. They can then be slow-cooked to extract the flavor.

Is eating cardamom good for health?

Other than this, it is also good for boosting digestive health. The cooling effects of cardamom, despite being a spice, can help in relieving acidity. Along with this, cardamom can also help in treating gastrointestinal issues like indigestion, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain and spasms.

How much does cardamom cost?

Costing in USA; Whole pods retail for about $30 per pound, with ground cardamom selling for $6 to $10 per ounce. The good news is, with its strong flavor, just a little goes a long way. It also varies from its size variation and its chemical constituents. Why it's expensive: Like other expensive spices, harvesting cardamom involves a labor-intensive handpicking process.
In India its depending upon the produce every year and climatic condition. And it is classified in form of 6mm to 8 mm size and price gradually increasing from its lower size to higher size.

Is Cardamom good for your brain?

Cardamom; A relative of ginger and turmeric, cardamom has shown antibacterial properties, and antioxidant properties that help protect brain cells from free radical damage.

Is Cardamom good for erectile dysfunction?

Ancient medicine lists cardamom as a powerful aphrodisiac that can help support sexual health, erectile dysfunction and impotence.

How much cardamom should I use?

For the freshest flavor, grinding your own cardamom seeds is a great idea. As a rough guideline, there are about a dozen seeds per pod, and 10 pods will produce about 11/2 teaspoons of ground cardamom. Indian cooks use cardamom in meats, vegetable dishes and desserts.

What does green cardamom taste like?

The taste commonly associated with cardamom is that of the green seed pods. Green cardamom is herbal with notes of pine, yet something about it whispers sweet. . With a smoked mint, almost menthol-like flavor, black cardamom is much more severe in taste than its fragrant green counterpart.

What fruit goes with cardamom?

Apricot pairs well with almond, anise, apple, black pepper, caramel, cardamom, cinnamon, coconut, cranberry, ginger, hazelnut, honey, lemon, nutmeg, orange, peach, pineapple, plum, rosemary, Sauternes, strawberry, and vanilla.

Does cardamom taste like soap?

Yes cardamom has a resiny, spicy flavor and aroma. It is often used in fragrances. If a person first comes into contact with cardamom in a fragrance, then the first actual taste will probably remind them of that.

Is Green Cardamom the same as cardamom?

Green is the most common of these colors, and the white variant is just a bleached version of the common Cardamom pod. The black cardamom, while related to the green cardamom, does not grow from the same plant. Cardamom pods have 8 to 16 seeds that are ground and used as seasonings.

Can I substitute black cardamom for green cardamom?

Substitute for Black cardamom
You can use green cardamom as a substitute for black but it lacks the smoky, hot flavor. Don't use black cardamon as a replacement for green cardamom. Depending on the recipe it may be best just to leave black cardamon out.

Where does green cardamom come from?

It is native to the East originating in the forests of the western ghats in southern India, where it grows wild. Today it also grows in Sri Lanka, Guatemala, Indo China and Tanzania. The ancient Egyptians chewed cardamom seeds as a tooth cleaner; the Greeks and Romans used it as a perfume.

Is ground cardamom green or black?

Cardamom pods come in three colors: black, green and white. It turns out that each color has a distinct personality, flavor-wise. Green cardamom is the one you'll generally see in grocery stores and many spice shops and it turns out that white cardamom is simply a bleached version of that.






6.0 – 7.0

INR 1850

7.0 – 8.0

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7.5 -  8.0

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8.0 BOLD

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